I added some support for the A/C in October 2020, so I guess it’s time to install the A/C we’ve been storing inside the trailer 🙂
The big problem was drainage. The A/C was supposed to be the quietest low profile one at the time, but it just dropped the condensation on the trailer. So I bought a kit from a different brand and added some cups under the drip areas to shunt it all down the drainage line I installed in 2020.
This took longer than it should of because I couldn’t think of a practical way for my wife and I to get it on the top of the trailer. I saw somewhere that someone basically built a litter to help carry it up to the roof, so I made my own version of that and we got it on the roof.
The rest was pretty much straightforward.
I hate the cover and will probably replace it with something custom in the future.